A consultation on the planning application for a new off-road greenway along Alveston has been launched.
South Gloucestershire Council have explained the following: 'We have submitted a planning application for a new off-road greenway, including a two-way cycle track with segregated footpath, along Alveston Hill.
The greenway will run through fields from the B4061 Alveston Hill/Thornbury Road to Thornbury Leisure Centre, providing a convenient and safe walking, wheeling and cycling route enabling local journeys between Thornbury and Alveston.
Currently those who choose to walk between the two communities must use Public Rights of Way through farmland where animals graze. These footpaths are not surfaced, so are difficult for pedestrians in the winter months. Cyclists making the same journey have no option but to use Thornbury Road and Alveston Hill, which is narrow and steep and has no dedicated cycle lane. The narrow footpath alongside the road is also substandard for pedestrians.
These substandard facilities mean some pupils attending Marlwood Secondary School in Alveston have to rely on cars to get to school. A new high quality, safe route will enable more young people to make the choice to switch to active travel, helping to reduce traffic and congestion along the B4061 between Alveston and Thornbury.
The new greenway would connect with our proposals for improving walking, wheeling and cycling facilities on the B4061 Alveston Hill/Thornbury Road, which we recently consulted on. This consultation is now closed but you can read more about the wider scheme online at www.southglos.gov.uk/a38-bsw-active-travel. The greenway has to be considered through the planning process because it falls outside the existing highway boundary.
The Local Planning Authority has launched a consultation on the planning application for the new greenway. To view the proposals and have your say go to www.southglos.gov.uk/planning-applications and search application number P23/03491/R3F.'