At the Meeting of Patchway Town Council on 16 January 2024, it was unanimously agreed to co-opt Cllr Denise Lansdown and Cllr Keith Walker to the Coniston ward of Patchway Town Council.
These vacancies arise from two resignations in the Coniston ward.
Cllr Lansdown said, ’I am absolutely delighted to be part of Patchway Town Council. I have lived in Patchway for over 36 years, my children grew up here and now my grandchildren. Patchway has a loyal supportive community. My main interests are to give all residents of all ages a voice, to listen and help where I Can. Together we can make Patchway a place where everyone wants to live’.
Cllr Walker said, ‘During my 2011 – 2019 council term as town and district councillor, I dedicated myself to enhancing our community. I championed infrastructure improvements, engaged with residents and advocated for polices promoting local wellbeing. I am committed to continued service, prioritising transparent governance and addressing evolving community needs. I can assure you of my continued commitment to serve the best interest of both Coniston and Patchway community and residents. I am a firm believer in the saying ‘We were given two ears and one mouth and it is advisable to use them in that proportion’.
Mayor of Patchway, Cllr Dayley Lawrence said,’ I am delighted to welcome Cllr Lansdown and Cllr Walker to the Town Council. It will be fantastic to work with them both and the whole Council team as we take forward initiatives and plans on behalf of the residents of Patchway’.
All Patchway Town Councillors can be seen here.
17 January 2024
