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Avon and Somerset Police and Crime Commissioner - Precept Survey


PCC Mark Shelford has launched a survey asking if local people support his proposal to increase the precept – the policing part of the council tax – by at least £10 a year for the average band D household.

They have said: 'The PCC is responsible for setting the amount of money residents contribute to local policing through the precept. The Government determines the maximum amount by which PCCs can increase the precept each year.

Our current financial planning assumes the precept will be increased by £10 next year. Even with this assumed increase savings still need to be made. The size of the savings needed will likely result in about 250 staff roles being cut across the next few years. These cuts will have an impact on front line services such as visible policing and the ability to investigate crime.

We know that, with cost-of-living crisis continuing, this is a big ask from residents. Therefore, we want to hear what local people think about this via our survey and we are asking for your support to share the survey amongst your contacts, colleagues, and channels.'

The survey and information about the precept can be found here: and the survey closes on 22 January.

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