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South Gloucestershire Council - Launch of new Consultation - Revised hours at One Stop Shops

South Gloucestershire Council have advised of a consultation that may be of interest to residents. They say: 'Within the savings proposals put forward in last year’s South Gloucestershire Council budget consultation, was a change to the opening hours for our One Stop Shops.

Having considered the options, we are proposing to close each of our in-person customer service centres in Yate, Kingswood and Patchway at the times when they are currently being used least.

We know that relatively few people visit early in the morning and in the late afternoon/early evening. We are therefore suggesting changing our opening hours to 9am to 4.30pm; Monday to Friday. The current hours are 8.45am to 5pm; Monday to Wednesday, and 8.45am to 4.30pm on Thursday and Friday.

Before making this change, we want to talk to people who visit our One Stop Shops to check this doesn’t cause them any significant issues.

As part of a comprehensive consultation, we will be asking everyone who visits one of our centres over the coming weeks and months to complete a short survey to let us know how this might impact them. There is also an opportunity for people who don’t use our One Stop Shops to share their views via an online and paper survey.'

Further details and paper copies can be found by visiting:

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