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Patchway Town Council set their Council Tax Precept for 2023/2024

At the meeting of Patchway Town Council on Tuesday 18th January 2023, it was unanimously agreed by all 14 Councillors present to approve a Council Tax Precept of £540,271 for the 2023/2024 financial year.

This means that residents (based on a Band D average) will have an increase of £3.12 per month on top of what they’re currently paying.

Mayor of Patchway, Cllr Dayley Lawrence stated that ‘I am proud that we are able to offer the same services to residents over the next year for a minimal cost impact. As a Council we wanted to ensure that any impact on our residents was minimal and that we can still offer you great facilities and events within Patchway.’

The image below outlines where some of the money raised through the precept goes.

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