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Gauting Twinning Association Book Tip Exchange


Gauting Twinning Association are planning a Book Tip Exchange for UNESCO World Book day on April 23rd. they say: 'UNESCO World Book Day is held on 23 April every year. Many books provide more than entertainment, they open our eyes to other 'worlds' and ways of living.

Last year the Twinning Association in Gauting organized its first 'Book Tip Exchange'. People of all ages from Gauting, Patchway and Clermont-l’Hérault took part, suggesting a whole variety of books to read. You can take a look at the results here:

We are organizing a second Book Tip Exchange this year to coincide again with World Book Day.

This year the theme is:

Nuturing Friendship – Sustainable Living

This could include books dealing with subjects such as: friendship, the environment, nature, climate, social sustainability, economic sustainability.

We look forward to seeing your suggestion! What book has made an impression on you personally? Which book would you recommend to others?

Please send your suggestion by 13 April 2023 to

1. Quotation (max. 3 sentences)

2. Author

3. Publisher

4. Publication Date

5. If possible, a picture of the book cover.

We will collect all of the suggestions and publish them (anonymously) from 23 April on the DFEV Website (the website of the Gauting Twinning Association).

Afterwards we will draw names out of a hat to find this year's winners. There are nine prizes in total, three prizes per twinned town. The winners can choose a book from the titles that have been suggested.

We look forward to receiving your suggestion for this year's Book Tip Exchange!

Adriana Scipio and Bethan Ilett (Gauting Twinning Association)'

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