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A Week’s Work by South Gloucestershire Council


In March 2023, South Gloucestershire Council’s new time of Streetcare operators spent a week in Patchway carrying out small maintenance jobs that rarely get down and do not form part of their or Patchway Town Council’s main work schedule. This work was fully funded by South Gloucestershire Council and Patchway Town Council are very pleased with the results.

The aim of this brand new team is to work with Town and Parish Council’s in South Gloucestershire to assist them with maintenance tasks to ensure that general maintenance and street cleaning are completed.

During this week, all of the bus shelters in Patchway had graffiti removed which has made them much more appealing and they look a lot cleaner! Also fences at The Tumps have been replaced due to damage from previous illegal encampments on that area. A lot of the footpath networks around Patchway have been given a tidy up with weeds, moss and debris removed from the worst affected ones.

We will be continuing the routine maintenance with our Patchway Town Council outdoor staff team.

You can report a variety of issues online at

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