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South Gloucestershire Council Consultation - Thornbury to North Bristol Corridor

Updated: Feb 22, 2023

South Gloucestershire Council have launched a consultation asking for feedback on their proposals to enable and encourage more active travel along the Thornbury to North Bristol Corridor (A38 and Bradley Stoke Way).

They say: 'South Gloucestershire Council is keen to encourage more people to walk, cycle, wheel and to use public transport more often. We were pleased by the positive feedback we received from local people about proposed measures to enable and encourage more ‘active’ travel along the Thornbury to North Bristol corridor (the A38 and Bradley Stoke Way).

Based on this positive feedback, we have developed more detailed proposals which seek to:

  • make journeys by bike and walking/wheeling safer,

  • make travelling by public transport more attractive to users,

  • encourage more people to switch to these ‘active’ travel options, and therefore

  • take vehicles off the roads and reduce congestion.

We want to get feedback from local people to help us finalise these designs.'

They will also be holding information events where you will be able to ask questions about the proposals. These are:

  • Monday 27 February, 3pm – 7pm - Bradley Stoke Leisure Centre, Fiddlers Wood Lane, Bradley Stoke, BS32 9BS.

  • Wednesday 8 March, 4pm – 6pm - Jubilee Hall, Greenhill Rd, Alveston, BS35 3QY.

  • Thursday 9 March, 12pm to 1pm - Online session HERE

More information, maps and artist's impressions are available at:

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