No dogs - except assistance dogs - are allowed into Norman Scott Park under the byelaw dated 8/11/1985 (under Section 164 of the Public Health Act 1875).
In a public consultation held in November 2022, a proposal to revoke the byelaw which prohibits the exercise of dogs was significantly rejected by a majority of respondents and the byelaw was not altered. The majority of respondents to the consultation cited safety of children and other Park users as a reason for not wanting dogs allowed in Scott Park. Local sports teams were also strongly opposed due to the risk of illness for players coming into contact with dog waste on the pitches.
In early 2025, Patchway Town Council will be partnering with South Gloucestershire Council on full enforcement of the byelaw including issuing of fixed penalty notices for persistent offenders. There will be a grace period whereby the Enforcement Officers will explain the reasons why dogs are not allowed in the Park, and also to signpost other green spaces dog owners can use to exercise dogs.
The Council will be installing new signage in the coming weeks to support communication of the byelaw and the enforcement process in order that all users are aware of the change of strategy.
The Council requests that dog owners are respectful of all users of Norman Scott Park and abide by this byelaw. Dog owners are welcome to exercise their dogs at other fantastic large, green spaces across the town including The Tumps and Gorse Covert.