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  • PTC Admin

Patchway Town Council's Internal Audit Report 2020/21

Patchway Town Council’s Internal Auditor has stated that the Town Council has seen a ‘continued improvement in accounting arrangements’ for the financial year 2020/2021.

Patchway Town Council has received a positive report from the internal auditor, Auditing Solutions LTD on their interim visit for 2020/2021, further stating that there is also an improvement in the ‘quality of retained documentation and approach to governance matters even in these exceptionally strange times due to the Covid pandemic’.

The report which was received by all Town Councillors at the meeting on Tuesday 17th November only had two recommendations for improvement; both of which had been actioned by the Council’s Responsible Finance Officer. The report highlights how far the Town Council has come in the last two years and commends the positive action being taken to safeguard public money.

Mayor of Patchway and Chair of the Finance Committee, Councillor Sam Scott said:

‘I am proud of the work that has been put in by staff and Councillors to ensure that Patchway's finances are both fit for purpose now and going forward. Significantly, these audit results have been achieved whilst continuing to deliver significant investment throughout the new and existing communities of Patchway.’

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