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Patchway Town Council awards £3050 to local groups

Patchway Town Council are pleased to announce that they have funded £3050 to local groups as part of their grant awarding process.

Each year, Patchway Town Council provides grants that benefit our local community and residents.

The recipients of the latest round of grants can be seen below.

Pretoria Road Allotment Society have been awarded £800 for a new roof on their existing building on the allotment site.

The Link Club have been awarded £1000 towards local support and events for disabled residents in Patchway.

The Senior Citizens Wednesday Lunch Club have been awarded £250 for new cooking equipment for their group who meet at Patchway Community Centre.

Patchway’s Men in Sheds have been awarded £1000 towards the cost of a new container and outdoor area, which will enable the group to expand and grow.

More information on how to apply for a grant and how they are decided can be found at

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