South Gloucestershire Council have been in contact to inform us of their Ash Dieback and Canopy Increase Project across the area. They have said: "You may already be aware of Ash dieback; it is a disease of Ash trees caused by a fungus called Hymenoscyphus fraxineus. The disease causes leaf loss, crown dieback and bark lesions in affected trees, around 90% of Ash trees are expected to die as a result of infection.
Ash dieback has now spread throughout the County and South Gloucestershire Council are in the process of surveying and mapping trees in their ownership currently infected with the disease. Using this data, a proactive management system has been adopted and the removal of affected trees will take place over the coming years. In some instances, the removal of infected trees may generate enquiries from various stakeholder groups.
In 2021 All trees growing on South Gloucestershire Council land within the ward of Patchway were surveyed. At the time of this survey 130 Ash trees were showing signs of Ash Dieback. We also identified 221 potential planting sites for new tree assets. A second survey of all Ash trees and planting locations was conducted in 2022 to confirm the presence of Ash Dieback and the suitability for replacement planting.
South Gloucestershire council have instructed Lawrence tree services to carry out the following works:
• 25th July 2022- 31st October 2022 Remove all 130 infected Ash
• 1st October- 31st March 2022/23, plant replacements.
-As a commitment to our declared climate emergency it is the intention of SGC to plant twice as many trees as we remove, this will result in increased canopy cover for future generations, and with it bring all the associated benefits.
-I am unable to give an accurate figure at this time as we will need to conduct service searches for underground utilities prior to planting. We aim to plant 221 new trees.
-Where possible we will plant in the same location, however each site has been individual assessed for suitability. All new tree planting locations have been assessed to ensure that any new tree can grow onto its full mature potential without conflicting with persons or property, therefore removing the need for unnecessary, detrimental and expensive remedial works. Where possible we will plant replacement trees within the ward where Ash trees have been removed. If this is not possible due to a lack of suitable locations we will plant else were within South Gloucestershire.
- The trees we are planting are heavy/extra heavy standards. This means the trees will have a positive impact from planting.
• 1st April- 30th September 2023, regular watering, and maintenance visits to ensure establishment.
SGC are informing you as these works are likely to generate enquires. We will be placing felling notices on some of the significant Ash trees and informing residents through some of our media outlets. "
Below are maps of locations of the infected trees and the proposed new planting locations.
Infected Trees
Proposed Planting Locations