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Funeral Arrangements for Lew Gray


The family of Lew Gray have advised of the following arrangements for his funeral:

Lew’s funeral service will take place on Wednesday 27th December 2023 at 12:45 pm at St Chad's C of E Church. Followed by the committal at Canford Crematorium at 2:15 pm.

Afterwards we would like to invite everyone who knew Lew to join us for a Community Celebration of Lew's Life at Patchway Sports and Social Club from 4.00pm.

Lew was fortunate in that he was able to still be involved in community life right up until he died. In the month before he died he was still attending The Memory Cafe at St Chad's and The Music Train events at Patchway, Kingswood and Downend. As these events were very important to him in his later life the family have chosen these charities for any donations in memory of Lew:


Music Train  (Milestones Trust) - The Music Train - JustGiving

Memory Cafe Patchway (Precious Times Consortium)

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