Patchway Town Council have set their Council Tax Precept for the 2022/2023 Financial Year.
Patchway Town Council have made the decision to raise the current precept from £730,655 to £816,643 to enable key projects to be undertaken within the next financial year. The impact on the Council Tax Precept that you pay will be an increase of just 94p a month which will be used to fund key services and projects in Patchway. This is based on a 'Band D House Equivalent'.
The budget contains general running costs for Patchway Town Council as well as an capital provision of £410,000, which will be used to fund the redevelopment of the Norman Scott Park Pavilion, to finish the redevelopment of Patchway Community Centre and to refurbish the Casson Centre on Rodway Road. This capital provision also includes a budget for new play equipment, new street furniture and community engagement projects. There is also £11,200 budgeted for the Town to celebrate Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee in June 2022 and also a provision for food support for our residents, all year round.
Mayor of Patchway Councillor Jon Butler, stated that:
‘Over the previous financial year during the COVID-19 pandemic, we made substantial progress on our key projects as a Town Council whilst also ensuring that Patchway kept moving with the times in terms of infrastructure. Over the next financial year we are going to be delivering several key projects which will be of a real benefit for our Town. This budget was set with an eye on the future and we hope that we can continue to make great progress on improving the infrastructure in Patchway’.
Chairman of the Finance Committee Councillor Sam Scott added:
‘This budget, which has been agreed, sees a 15% reduction in Patchway Town Council’s revenue budget costs which has been achieved with the long-term goal of reducing the Council Tax Precept in mind. The next financial year sees an increase in capital funds of 63%, which shows the Council’s dedication to getting their key projects done in this next year.’
The budget is available to view on the Patchway Town Council website at and paper copies are available upon request from the Town Clerk.